When you are comfortable with three point perspective, you can draw just about anything
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A Color For Information
Burnt Sienna
A sedimentary color; sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Viridian
A sedimentary color; sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Pthalocyanine Blue
A "warm" (greenish) blue.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
+ close +Pyrrol Red
A "warm" (orangish) red.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
+ close +Arylide Yellow FGL
A "warm" (orangish) yellow.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
There is not an industry standard name for this color. I am offering DaVincis Brand name.
+ close +Yellow Ocher
A sedimentary color.
sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Cerulean Blue
A sedimentary color.
Sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Ultramarine Blue
A cool (purplish) blue.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly, theoretically yielding a uniform final (wash).
Actually Ultramarine Blue "flocculates" (gathers in clumps) so we only get a fairly smooth (wash)
Sadly, it's the only purplish blue thats light-fast and available to artists.
+ close +Alizarin Crimson
( Quinacridone )
A cool (purplish) red.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
n fact, Alizarine Crimson (a very early man made pigment) lost favor when it was found non light-fast.
Today we replace it it with a better version of the same color called Quinacdridone Red.
Nevertheless, manufacturers still call it Alizerine Crimson.
+ close +A cool (greenish) yellow
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
There is not an industry standard name for this color. I am offering the DaVincis Brand name.
+ close +Drawing Lesson # 2
Elementary Drawing Skills
Three Point Perspective
In the previous lesson we discussed one point perspective, which is as wonderful to drawing as hot dogs are to eating. But who wants to spend a lifetime eating onlyhot dogs.
Three point perspective opens up our drawing world as would all the restaurants of the planet would open up our culinary universe.
The only tool you need to do this is a straightedge
People build things in relationship to the surface of the earth. Almost everything we make has flat surfaces which are parallel to the earths surface. In fact, when we make something not parallel to the ground we call it a slide and categorize it as an "amusement".
It is almost impossible to make interesting paintings without sooner or later encountering a box. Be it a building, barn, house, or household item, as artists we are going to have to draw them. And, if we do not understand perspective, botch them we will.
So here it is, maybe the most useful art lesson you will ever take., and a lot fun too.
And always remember:
In perspective drawing, all parallel lines converge at a single point.